Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"The Writer's Voice" of Glick

In his article on the effects of global warming, Glick begins with a neutral tone. He uses what could be seen as an "extended metaphor", as Kolln would describe, by invoking first a story of a polar bear and its majesty. He then continues to prolong the discussion showing the "polar bear community's" current struggle due to the effects of global warming and human interference. The metaphor, without explicit reference, is to the challenge we as humans may eventually have to face.
Kolln also describes that writers are generally, in news and magazines, supposed to take a neutral point of view on the topic of discussion. Glick does not show his tone or bias until about the halfway through the second paragraph when he begins to describe that humans are responsible for upsetting the balance for the polar bears.
" From chemical pollution to oil drilling, hunting to tourism, polar bears are up against an agonizingly familiar series of threats that endanger thousands of species around the globe. But polar bears, which evolved during the late Pleistocene era to survive in one of the planet's most inhospitable environments, must also negotiate an overarching obstacle that uniquely challenges their survival: melting sea ice. Because of global warming, the ice that the bears depend on to supply food and shelter is literally melting under their paws." (Glick, pg. 1)
For the rest of the article Glick describes the importance for the need to reverse, or reduce, our effect on global warming or we to might end up in the same situation as the polar bears.
Glick also makes good use of "buzz" terms to catch our attenition. The diction Glick chooses to use sparks interest in the readers mind. At one point in the article (also in the second paragraph) Glick chooses to use the scientific genus and species name of the polar bear rather than just the former. This change, if only for a moment, catches the readers possibly wandering attention as the reader may not be used to seeing the actual scientific name of the animal. In a way it also adds credibility to Glick's respective knowledge, as he seems more educated on the topic. Another good example of Glick's "buzz" terms is the labeling of one section as "Apex Predator". This term gives much more interest than just saying something as simple as "big animal". And then Glick uses irony after the label by going on to describe the struggles of the polar bears brought about by being at the top of this food chain. Glick describes that high levels of toxins are being found in the bears from eating contaminated prey.( Paragraph 10)
In conclusion, Glick draws many elements of writing together to portray an interesting and valid picture of the effects of global warming. The use of the polar bears invokes a much more intimate relationship with the reader, who may possibly feel heart-felt for the animals, than would just stating global warming facts.

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